Welcome Client Name!

Putting the Internet to Work for You

  • Elevate your online presence
  • Promote and grow your brand online
  • Increase visitors to your website
  • Add new content and functionality
WebWorkz Digital Services

we are here to help

When we were completing monthly maintenance recently on Bernabs.com, we made some notes on possible website improvements that would help to increase website visitor engagement, improve search engine visibilty, and increase traffic. The recommendations below are the website enhancements we think make the most sense for BernaBs.com, selected from a list of upgrades we have completed recently for other clients. They can all be quickly and cost effectively be added to the BernaBs.com website.

Site Design Update – a website design and layout facelift using the latest tools and user interface trends to keep your site engaging and relevant.

Accessibility – make the «Accounts.Account Name» website accessible to visitors with handicaps in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Visitor Engagement – integrate content and functionality on «Accounts.Account Name» to  increase opportunites for engagement with site visitors.

Customer Tracking – upgrade your site with a CRM capability to identify, respond, and track engagement with visitors to «Accounts.Account Name». Leverage data on existing visitors to increase traffic and engagement.

Page Speed and Technical Optimization – address technical issues affecting search engine indexing and ranking.

Page Content Optimization for SEO – increase traffic from search engines by optimizing existing page content to make it easy to find for both users and search engines.

Content Marketing – increase the site’s rankings and visibility on search engines and traffic to your site through content creation and marketing.

E-commerce/online ordering (in-house) – integrate a digital product catalogue, shopping basket, online checkout, and order fulfilment capability into the existing website.

Let’s Get Started Today!

We would like to talk with you about ways to update and improve «Deals.Account Name» . You can go to this online form to schedule a time for us to call and tell us which of these website enhancements you may be interested in.

WebWorkz Digital Services

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    need help? get in touch

    we are here when you need us